Discover Healthy Cities Illawarra

Healthy Cities Illawarra (est. 1987) is a leading regional health promotion charity.  We work to prevent chronic disease and address the social and commercial determinants of health by addressing social, economic and environmental causes of health inequality through:

  • Direct impact and individual empowerment by delivering community-based programs
  • Inter-sectoral collaboration
  • Advocacy for systemic change

Our Mission is to improve ALL health outcomes for ALL communities.

Our focus areas:

  • Healthy Eating: promote healthy diets that are affordable, sustainable and culturally acceptable, resulting in improved nutrition and health outcomes while minimizing negative impact on the environment.
  • Physical Activity: enhance physical and mental wellbeing, prevent and manage chronic disease and promote healthy environments – for people, communities and the planet.
  • Community Wellbeing: Enhance health and wellbeing by sharing skills and resources, fostering social cohesion and community participation.

View our Website

Building Equitable and Sustainable Food Systems Together

Food Fairness Illawarra (est. 2005) is a community coalition of like-minded organisations and individuals working to address food insecurity and to create equitable and sustainable local food systems. Our collaborations include our local councils, Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, University of Wollongong, community centres, community groups, charities and businesses.

The Impact of Food Insecurity on Daily Life

Food insecurity affects all aspects of daily life, as food is a basic human right and a building block for our lives, health, family connections and social interactions. Not having physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food can lead to significant short and long-term health impacts, including developmental delays in children, poor physical and mental health and social isolation.

Download FFI Strategic Plan

Fostering Collaboration for Collective Impact

As an independent not for profit organisation, Healthy Cities Illawarra is ideally positioned to host and activate local networks and partnerships such as Food Fairness Illawarra – to facilitate authentic inter-sectoral collaboration and deliver meaningful collective impact.