Who we are
Food Fairness Illawarra (FFI) is a community coalition established in 2005 to work towards food security for all in the Illawarra region.
Our collaborative efforts involve working closely with our local councils, Health District, University of Wollongong, community groups, charities, businesses, and dedicated individuals. As a community coalition, FFI takes pride in spearheading collective action to create equitable and sustainable solutions for our local food system. We recognise that working together can achieve greater outcomes and create positive change towards achieving a fairer, more sustainable and local food system for the Illawarra.
Our work strongly aligns with and supports the following United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals:
Our Vision & Goals
FFI Strategic PlanMake healthy and sustainable food available and affordable for all
Goal - Availability
Grow a vibrant local food culture and economy which supports growers and producers
Goal - Access
Enable Illawarra residents to access affordable, culturally appropriate, nutritious, sustainable and local food
Goal - Use and Utilisation
Enhance food knowledge and skills within our community to make healthy food choices the norm and accessible to all
Goal - Stability
A coordinated, well-structured coalition to enable collective action
What we do

Connect & Collaborate
Bring our community together to connect and share information and resources.

Highlight local issues and lobby for policy and planning developments contributing to a fairer food system.

Strengthen community action and develop personal skills by providing tools, highlighting opportunities, and enabling knowledge sharing to drive the fair food conversation across all levels of society.

Inform and enable knowledge-sharing to drive the fair food conversation across all levels of society.

Contribute to and utilise the evidence base to build a fair food system.

Maintain a coordinated, well-structured coalition to enable collective action.
Our Team
Meet our coalition made up of members from
- NSW Health
- Healthy Cities Illawarra
- Wollongong Council
- Shellharbour City Council
- Kiama Municipal Council
- The University of Wollongong
Rosi Johnston
Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District

Lauren Peters
Shellharbour City Council

Belinda Gibbons
University Of Wollongong

Galavizh Ahmadi Nia
Kiama Municipal Council

Tracy Venaglia
Wollongong City Council

Berbel Franse
FFI Coordinator
Healthy cities Illawarra

Deanne Condon-Paoloni
Founding Member
University of Wollongong

Robyn Tindall
Founding Member
Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District

Our Achievements
Inception of Food Fairness Illawarra
Low Cost & Free Meals Directory
OzHarvest comes to the Illawarra
FFI Grows and develops
Illawarra Regional Food Forum
Food Fairness Illawarra goes online
Advocacy for food security in urban planning
School gardens and National Food Plan
Illawarra Regional Food Strategy
Stop Good Food Going to Waste
Collaboration for access to good food
Connecting over Fair Food
Environmental Need Assessment
Food rescue augmented
Food security in the Illawarra during the Covid-19 response