9:00 am
Friday Foragers Market
Fresh, local, handmade! Farmers market. Every Friday 9am-2pm Crown St Mall, Wollongong Organised by Foragers Market (https://www.facebook.com/foragersmarket/) “While FFI takes every reasonable effort to ensure that information is correct at the time of publication, we recommend that the individual confirm details with the event organiser, as events can be subject to last minute changes.”
Find out more »The role of civil society in food Sydney Law School: system governance: Comparing Canada, the United States, and Australia
Join this webinar and interactive conversation to learn about how civil society organizations in Canada, the United States, and Australia are working collaboratively to influence food system policy change and decision making. Civil society organizations are integral to food system governance. Food systems governance is not limited to laws and regulations developed by government. It […]
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